The Goal

The Goal

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Imperial Meeting 2015, Day 4 - Don't Shoot at the Extremes

This morning started out quite calm and much cooler than the past couple of days; however the wind had still managed to pick up by the time the 08:30 detail of the Alexandra kicked off this morning. Unfortunately I seemed to be slightly slower off the mark when picking up the wind and lost a shot early on to end up with a 49.3 despite the generally positive feel of the shoot. Off the range, the wind had felt almost as blustery as the day before, but based on my plot things appeared to have calmed down significantly from yesterday's tempest.

Moving briskly off to the long range for the Duke of cambridge (it feels odd that we now have an actual Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, having managed quite succesfully without either since the last one died without issue quite a while ago) a similar pattern emerged. The wind was fairly steady, but I still managed to lose a shot just out the right hand side early on in the shoot while I was working out the bracket. Still, a 49 at long range in the Grand is a sensible score to add to any campaign. It's all too easy to lose a few more than you should on Stickledown, particularly when it's tricky.

My final shoot of the day was at 500 yards in the Daily Mail, where the winds were beginning to shift around a bit; although they remained solidly from the left, so there would be no need to come back through zero. In the event, having spoken to a fellow Welsh shooter I avoided shooting on the peaks and troughs, cutting my wind bracket down significantly. Aside from a slightly iffy last shot which crept just under the vee bull it was a pretty good shoot. A 75.12 to add to the bag. Not enough to win, but the full house of 75 points was very welcome.

At the end of the day, I was slightly surprised but rather pleased to be as high as 2nd on the Grand Agg board.

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