The Goal

The Goal

Sunday 13 July 2014

Imperial Meeting Day 3 - The Vital Urgency of Loafing

My day started with the Donegall at 300 yards about 09:15 this morning, which went pretty well. I wasn't on the best firing point but managed to get into a reasonable position. There was still a slight wobble in my sight picture but a bit of careful centring of the wobble and good control of my now apparently correctly functioning trigger helped me to keep it together for a creditable 50.8 whereupon I was "randomly" chosen for a trigger check by the RO.

During the early stages of the Imperial, when there are relatively few competitions scheduled and there is usually a large gap in the day, it's important to take some time to relax and loaf around a bit. There's actually a fair amount of research which demonstrates that people who are well rested perform better in skill sports so refuse to feel guilty about this and indulge your inner sloth a bit. As I wasn't back on until 15:45 I did a couple of errands and then indulged my inner sloth by having a power nap.

Following said powernap the Lovell at 1000 yards went fairly well. I converted a bullseye second sighter but managed to put the next nine shots in the vee, resulting in a tie shoot between me, Ian Shaw (Scotland CWG Team Shooter) and Keith Pugh to be held on Monday. The trigger had held out well at 300x but seemed to creep a bit more frequently during the second shoot.

Moving back on to Century Range and the start of the Grand Aggregate, I poked in a 75.11 to finish the day clean despite trying quite hard to wing one out left; although the trigger had starting to have creep on about every second shot. I've got an early Range Officer duty before shooting at 11:45 tomorrow, so the rifle is going back to the armourer for another crack and I've made arrangements to have a brand new trigger available if required. Shooting pardner Chris had a cracker of a shoot at 500, taking second equal with a 75.14.

A gentle 5k jog around camp after shooting, followed by a shower then an awesome Trinidadian curry for dinner chez Gomez with the West Indies teams and then over to the BCRC for the overseas team reception.


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